The Magic of Happiness by Raylene Abbott It was the first day of the year and I was sitting at my altar getting ready to meditate. I like to meditate with music and often I do mantras by choosing a CD and looping a selection over and over again. I usually do this with Eastern chants but today was different. I put on a Donovan CD and looped the song "Happiness Runs in a Circular Motion." "Happiness runs in a circular motion. Thought is like a little boat upon the sea. Everybody is part of everything anyway you can have a everything if you let yourself be. Happiness runs, happiness runs, happiness runs. You can have a everything if you let yourself be." Donovan As I sat there singing the song over and over again, the spiritual power really began to pour down into my body. My awareness rose up into a realm where there was only happiness. I felt circles upon circle being created. I raised my index finger into the air and the universe seemed to swirl around my finger. It was as if I was a pebble, being dropped into the ocean of bliss and one ripple after another was being created through me. Those ripples were the ripples of Happiness. I must have sat in this experience for two hours, so much joy was unfolding through me. I just wanted to always be in this realm of Happiness that transcended the human world of suffering, yet simultaneously was so near. I realized that I could. It was a matter of choice. Happiness is a choice, I heard within my mind. As the next few days unfolded, one revelation after another began to take form within my consciousness. A downloading of information was being given to me and different truths that I had discovered in my journey were being synthesized. Today we see the Magical Arts going main stream. What is a Magician? Someone who creates from out of nothing. We are always creating, if we are conscious or unconscious about it. We are all Magicians. It is because we live and think that we create. . With each thought we hold we create ripples that manifest our reality. One of the New Age clichés is "You create your own reality." This is often said without the understanding of how we do it. So the words become meaningless words that only touch the surface. We need to understand the workings of our own mind to realize how we do this. See your mind as a screen like your computer's monitor. Sit quietly and watch the thoughts that go across the mind's screen. At first you may be uncomfortable with all the chatter that the mind usually offers, but the longer you sit the quieter you will get. A good way of starting is by watching the breath, watching your chest rise and fall with every breath. Watch the Life Force of Breath entering your body, inhaling and exhaling through your nostrils. The breath is the first act in life and it is the last act we shall perform in our human incarnation. As you watch your thoughts you may begin to realize the different programs you are running through your mind all at once. There will be the conscious thought in the forefront of your mind and then there are those programs that are running underneath the surface of your consciousness. Again, compare it to your computer: You can have several programs underneath the program you are looking at. You will understand that you are running serval tracks at once. If we are having a real good meditation we may even slip into the place were all thought stops. This is known as the Silence or the Great Void. All mystics from all traditions seek this form of experience. The personality disappears into his Silence and all that is left in emptiness. It is not the type emptiness that makes one feel alone for it is also fullness and wholeness. Some may call this God or Goddess. But both these description hold the form and "it" is formless. It is more like the O in the center of the word God. It is the space within the circle. Trying to put words to this state of being is most difficult. It can only be hinted at through the medium of language or symbols. But it is from this place that all of Creation was formed and it is to this place that all Creation returns. As soon as we think a thought we begin to step out of this Silence. One thought upon another.... and another and all Creation begins to spin from the Great Void weaving a web of atoms upon atoms,. creating realms and universes more infinite than the human mind can ever comprehend. The trick is to is to return to the Silence. We can experience this through daily meditation and practices that will let you dip into this Well of Emptiness. We can begin to understand the subtle and not so subtle thoughts that create our reality. Another cliche that is often mentioned in spiritual circles is "We are all One. " There is a realm that where we can experience this state of being. A beautiful realm where we can find the Self in everything. It is very simple to experience this in nature. Where every tree, rock, and droplet of water is filled with the same spark of life that we are also a part of. It is more difficult to remember this oneness when dealing in the human realm. But living in two worlds we must exercise the wisdom of discrimination. This comes in the form of making proper choices of what and who we align ourselves with. Yes, on one level we are all one, one Mind creating together through many forms. But because we live in a world of duality, the choices we make and the alignments we live with also create our reality. You may notice just surfing the Internet how many reality bubbles there are. How many different expression of reality we as humanity create! How do we do this ? Back to the mind. There are many thoughts that run though everyone's head. Some of those thoughts may not even be yours. They could be your parents, your friends or associates. What creates our reality is what thoughts we buy into. People identify with their belief systems and their thoughts. Even if those same thoughts are making their life miserable. We hold tightly on to our thoughts thinking they are so worthy to carry. But they are just thoughts. The longer we hold on to the thought it begins to take on form in the dense level of matter which becomes our reality. Now if I say Happiness is our choice, how many thoughts come to mind that say no it is not, because of this or that. Watch each thought in your mind's program that says you can not have happiness. How many of these thoughts do we believe? How many of these thoughts do we buy into? Who taught you to think this way? If we can remember the emptiness as the truth behind all reality, then what is the purpose of holding on to thought forms that do not make us happy? Why not just delete them? And I do mean delete. minimizing them will not work. We have to kick them out of our system. Now if we been running a particular program since childhood or God knows even longer than that, it will take work to rethink ourselves into a different reality. To begin the process we have to view the mind. Like a witness. It like going to the movies and watching a flick. We are in the theater watching our thought process on the screen. Just watching see each thought clearly. Does this thought that I am thinking make me happy? Will dwelling on that thought bring a better life and creation? When we go through this process we can cut loose all feelings of guilt or good or bad judgement. Otherwise we are not witnessing we are judging, there is a difference. We will experience one thought that will be connected to another thought or an emotional reaction. We can follow our thought processes, I compare it to pulling a thread. Each thought is strung together to another thought and then another and another. This creates the weaving of our reality. Let us keep asking ourselves will this thought bring me happiness? If it does not let us push the delete button. We have the choice of believing this as our reality or not. It does not matter what the temporary outer circumstance are, they can change with changing what thoughts we buy into.. With each thought let us make our choice of what we buy into and what makes us happy. Now when we really start cooking with this process of creating a Happy Life what is going to happen is all the things in our life that do not bring happiness are going to start crumbling. The trick here is do not be afraid. Great and good changes will be in store for us, if we truly make the choice of being happy. We humans are creatures of habits and attachments. We usually are afraid of change. We like to stay with what we know and what is comfortable, even if it brings misery. If we make the choice of Happiness and begin to clean up the programs that do not work in our minds, we will without a doubt go through big changes. Let us not be afraid, for that will stop the process of having a happier life. We must let go of the old that does not work to create a better reality. Having the proper alignment is also very important through this process. If we choose to be with people who do not bring us happiness, or who dwell in excessive negativity it will be much harder for us to make head way to a happy life. You can compare it to computer virus. When we align ourselves with the wrong programs and attached files we may find that our own computer has been effected with one hell of a virus. So proper alignment and discrimination is used in choosing who we hang out with. When we are truly honest with ourselves and ask if certain relationships bring us happiness the answer will arise spontaneously. Something I have realized through this process is that it is also important to hold the image of happiness for others. I try to hold that image even if all the outer circumstance look different. I am psychically very sensitive. I have a gift of understanding people's problems and tracking the root causes of their problems. But through my tracking of other people's thought processes sometimes I would be able to see the roots of their problem but not able to help bring about change that would help them. Sometimes I would become stuck within my own mind by concentrating on their problems. Which does not make me happy. But I can choose to rise above into the of Realm of Happiness and hold the thought of happiness for others. It does create ripples and waves for those I hold the thought for. I do not judge what another person's happiness should look like. This is not my place it is up to each individual to create happiness for his or herself. This is everyone's freedom of choice. Just because you are holding happiness for a person, that particular person still has to do their own work and make the choice of Happiness. But holding the thought instead of the limitation will create ripples in the right direction. Like the pebble in the pond, sooner of later the last ripple will reach the shore. Let us remember we all have eternity to get it and it can take time for ripples to reach some people. But I still suggest to hold that thought of happiness no matter what the conditions maybe. The kick back for holding the thought of others happiness is that even more Happiness comes back to us. This is a Law. What we put out will return to us threefold, for the better or worse. We might as well make the right choice. So there I was sitting in meditation with my spirit swimming in an Ocean of Happiness. All I wanted was this experience to touch all of humankind, first like a ripple, then like a wave that would carry us all to the realm of conscious creation. In that realm, happiness is a tangible reality. A reality that ultimately can change all of humanity. Questions to ask yourself: Do you want abundance in your life? What are the thoughts you have bought into that say you cannot have it? Do you want love in your life? Do you love yourself ? Do you believe that you can have love? What thoughts in your process say you can't have love? Do you have a dream? Do you believe in your dream? What programs are you running that say you can't have your dreams? Concerning these points delete whatever is self-sabotaging. This requires constant watch of our mind processes. It requires rearranging our thoughts and making choices that can bring us a happier life. It is a continuing process that has many layers. But we all have to start somewhere. Why wait? Happiness is our choice of thought. We need to ask to be raised into the Realm of Happiness no matter what the temporary appearance may be, and choose thoughts that will make us happy. As we do this sooner or later those thoughts will begin to shift our reality into a happy one. Let us not be afraid to change our life or relationships. Let us go forward with courage and hold unto the thoughts that bring us happiness until it becomes a manifested, tangible reality. The process of meditation will help in knowing the mind. The process of invocation will help creating a new groove in consciousness . And last, but not least, use the delete button for all those programs that do not work. Be Happy Meditations for Happiness Find a place that you can sit quietly for meditation. I like to sit cross legged in front of my altar, but sit in a chair if this is more comfortable for you. You can also light a candle. Have a CD player ready that you can play music on. I suggest the Donovan's double CD "The Troubadour" and "The Definitive Collection." Some of you may remember the magic of Donovan from the early sixties and seventies - that magic is still there. Key in the Second CD to number 8, "Happiness Runs." You will want to loop this song on the machine so that it plays over and over again like a mantra. Now take some deep breaths. Watch each breath rise and fall. Let yourself slow down. When you are ready begin the following invocation: Invocation for Happiness I call forth Divine Happiness. I call forth the Happy Buddha. I give you my body, heart and soul. Stream forth. Bring me the grace to see my thought processes clearly. Fill every atom in me with your awareness. Give me the strength and ability to change my thought processes. Remove all thoughts from my system that do not promote a happy state of mind or a happy life. Though your Power and your Presence raise me into the Realm of Happiness. May I be a Living Temple of Happiness for myself and all those I come before. So be it. Do this invocation for 10 minutes repeating it aloud. Now if you do have the CD, ready just push the button and run the song over again as you sit in Meditation and sing along like you would with a mantra. Do this for thirty to forty minutes. Now shut off the machine and just sit in Silence. Feel the effects and know through practice new realizations will form and a new thought process can be created.