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The Fairie Realm |

I have been cocreating with the nature spirits since 1974. In those days I would walk the woods and comb the fields, finding secret havens where the fairy people gathered. Some times it would be a hollow log that was rotten, old and weather-torn. But with closer observation I would see fairy thrones for the queen and the kings and rows upon rows where their subjects would gather. Often I would find these places through the songs of the birds or a ray of sunshine showing me the way. Some times I would be lucky enough to catch sight of a fairy image.
One day as I was meditating in the winter snow, the tinkling of icicles that made music as the river flowed, caught my ear. I bent down to look and there, molded in the shape of ice, were three gnome faces that shone like crystal in the early morning light.
Some time later, during a wildflower walk, I spied a Shooting Star flower. Using my magnifying glass, I looked into the stamen of the flower. The stamen was surrounded by a yellow velvet mandala with swirling maroon patterns. The stamen was shaped like the faces of four gnomes, looking North, East, South and West. Upon close observation I discovered the stamen was about to release its seed into the ground. I caught the flower at the point of orgasm.
As time went on, and years passed by, a blue-eyed fairy blessed my third eye. From that day forward I see into this realm where the Angels of Nature and the Spirit of Man can join together, hand in hand.

A Tibetan Mantra To Call The Elements Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Rham Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Yam Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Mam Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Kham Maa (long pron.) Ma Rham (Element of Fire, a red dakini, carrying a skull bowl) Ma Yam (Element of Air, a green dakini, carrying a wind flag) Ma Mam (Element of Water, a blue dakini, carrying a banner with a crocodile on it) Ma Kham (Element of Earth, a yellow dakini, carrying a swastika, the sign of Earth) Maa represents the Void from which all life arises.
The Undines - The Spirits of Water We are the Undines. Sweetly we speak, flow like a river where we can emotionally meet. We are the waves that splash on the shore. We want to touch your emotional core. Droplets of water from the sky, reflecting mirrors of asking "Why?" Are you watching your mind like a muddy old stream? It's time to get everything clean. We are the bloodstream of the Earth. We are Her life source that bubbles forth from the Mothers's heart. We are the Living Waters and this is our part. Polluted we are like the emotions of man and it's getting pretty hard to find a good drink unless it's in a bottle or can. Wouldn't you think that your life-giving source should be spared instead of changing its course? We are dammed up and diverted all over the place. Stagnation and pollution - it's such a disgrace. We are a mirror reflection of the emotions of man. It never was part of the Creator's plan. Reflecting? We are a reflection of your image, you see. Is it clear? Or muddy? Polluted? Or are you in an emotional drought? It's time to clean up form within and then from without. Floods and storms that wash all away, it's emotional storage that's trying to give way. Be thankful, not wasteful with the water you see. Please become expressive of your own emotional needs. Do not be dry or parched, but be loving and giving with every soul's heart. Look for the thristy soul that needs a spiritual drink. There are many out there on an emotional brink. The water of life is a mirror. Can you see the emotional problems and the emotional needs? Baptismal Angels, we are clearing the way. Healing waters, teach you how to pray for the needs of others that suffer and hurt. Let's water with love which will give spiritual worth. We are the singing sirens. Let us sing you our song. We will teach you about life and where you went wrong. Are your emotions all stormy and wild to see? Or have you become polluted and drowning in hate? Please cleanse your emotions before it's too late. Fountains of forgiveness, washing away your doubts. It's time to grow up, you're much too old to have pouts. Give love freely to help all things grow. We are the undines and we like to flow. We give freely to all living things ... plants, animals and humans ... we are your life-giving juice. Now it is not time for any emotional abuse. We the Life Stream of the Mother are a life-giving source. We are the undines and this is our discourse. Listen to us, be still, and reflect. Your inner light should be given due respect. Calm the emotions, be like a clear mountain lake. For here on Earth we have lots that's at stake. Do not be dammed up, holding all things in, but let your tears be shed from the depths within. Cleanse your soul and heal your wounds, then each one of us will become more in tune. The income and outcome are one and the same. Let human kind get beyond their emotional games. Water the souls with love from your heart. Do not be a desert, thorny or cruel. But let love be your rule, for that's really quite cool. We are the undines, splashing away and these are our words flowing your way.
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 |  | The Gnomes.......The Earth Spirits We are the gnomes and Earth is our home. .We are the guardians of Earth's treasure. Our Mother's worth is beyond measure and showering her treasure is indeed her pleasure. The Earth Mother has bounty for the many who live, but very few humans have learned how to give. There are those who merely take. They do not care for the poor Mother's sake. Nourish Earth's garden with the understanding of her worth - This Holy Mother is trying to give birth. She is shedding old forms that do not serve her well. This ancient planet has her own story to tell. "Listen my children and listen you must. You've poisoned my soil. You've dug big holes in my crust. My garments have been torn, my breasts have become bare. More people need to listen, more humans need to care. How can you see my beauty? How can you hear my song? I have become unsightly and you must know that this is wrong." We the gnomes have a request for you: distribute her riches. Contribute to the Mother's wealth. Believe us, people, it would be good for your health. Replant her forest, grow food without spray - then this planet can be a good place for your children to stay. It's time to use wisdom in all that you do. It's time to distribute the wealth not just be given to a few. We are the gnomes. We bid you a due - please do your part to make the Mother brand new.
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Salamanders Speak - The Spirits of Fire We are the spark of life that ignites all of creation. We are the raw energy that is within all things. We are the life pulse, and this is what we give. Salamanders is our name, and fire is our game, for through the purification of fire man/woman will understand his/her own creative nature. At this time humankind is experiencing the wild fires gone mad. Volcanoes are exploding as humankind refuses to tame his/her own impulsive fire nature. We shall reflect it back to you. But just as after a forest fire, after things have become blackened and charred, new life appears, new growth and all things can then begin anew. We are here to bring understanding of a new day and a new dawn - not so new for some. Because this is also the way of the ancient and old. The center of every fire is a surge of heat, and that heat is the heart of all creation. Every time you light a match, the Salamanders are there. It is up to humankind to use fire creatively or destructively. We bring warmth into your home, and the hearth is the heart of every home. In days of old, this was the center of all homemaking duties. In flickers and flames, you see our forms a-dancing and a-prancing, cooking your food and heating your pots. We are the Salamanders and we know we are HOT! Make your home fires with care and give love to every stick. The hearth of your homefires will crackle, not roar. When tempers swell, we can be called hell, and some have mistaken our purifying flames as eternal unforgiving damnation. The only hell there ever was or ever will be is the one humans make in their own minds or unforgiving hearts. We are here to purify and bring the spark of life and to illuminate lost souls that have forgotten the original promise humans made to Creation. When you play with fire you play with us. Like children, humankind has tried to harness our energies and use us as a threat to keep other humans in line. Oh you're of such little minds, do you really think that you can harness life's spark of Creation without it backfiring on you? Your war machines, your defenses against one another - do you not see that creation turns to destruction when handled only with hate and greed? Learn to tamper the fiery words, for we are the Salamanders, and it's high time we are heard! Angels of fire we are sometimes called. We are also known as little devils when we go out of control. But the true control that man/woman needs now is not over other people or other countries and situations, but over his/ her own inner nature. This will set things right . So use us like the hearth of the home to add warmth and nourishment to your world and to each other. Use us to purify yourself to light the candle of understanding in your heart, for we are the Salamanders and this is our part. During the witch trials one of the accusations of witches was "Listening to the wind." I myself have a tendency to listen to a good breeze ... it's worthwhile to hear what it has to say. The Sylphs.......The Spirits of Air We fly through the air with the greatest of ease. We are the sylphs and we come on the breeze. We are the breath you breathe in and out - this is our story and what we're about. We come in many disguises. We are the gale that blows strong. We are the gentle breeze that caresses the cheek. We are the whirlwind and we are here to speak. Air heads you can call us. For we are connected to the element of thought. And as man/woman thinketh, so does the Earth atmosphere reflect and you can see there has been quite an effect. It is time to listen and listen you must, for we are the element of air and you are blowing holes in our crust. Poisons and pollutants have been building. You see these things can be choking - even to a good breeze. Think of your children, what will they do if the breath of life can not run through? It is time for some action, for things are getting bleak. We give you this greeting so listen as we speak. The power of thought and the power of the word is what began all of creation: First there was the Word, "Let there be Light and with that Light let there be Love ... and with that Love all things began. We the element of air rushed forward and clothed the thought forms with our spiritual substance. How polluted are your thoughts? If you could look from on high and see the clouds of darkness that float in the sky. There are dark clouds of war when they could be light clouds of peace. There is the air of prejudice and clouds of despair. It is high time we all clear the air. We are just reflecting like a mirror, won't you see? Centuries and centuries of thought forms that are out of harmony. It all could be different, it is really up to you. When thoughts are filled with love, all things can be made anew. We are coming to a crescendo. It's time to take heart and change the way you are thinking - then even the clouds will part. For every cloud has a silver lining, dark as it may be. Let people join together and bring forth thoughts of harmony. Now that's a good idea! Work to clean the air and things can actually change. But first start with your own thoughts, and this is what we have explained. We can be light-hearted and we do like to play, so watch for our heavenly bodies in the clouds that float your way. Raise your thoughts to the air. Open your mind and let our inspiration run through ... for we are the sylphs and this we give to you.
The Thunder Beings Speak Lightening and wind, let the holy thunder roll. Praise these sacred elements that water the thirsty earth. Heaven's grace sings through these things for the beholder who opens his eyes to see the spirit within all things. The thirsty earth cries for Father Sky's love to shed upon her. Water this holy land and wash away Earth's misery. We may have unclear minds or destructive thoughts, but the lightnings, thunder, wind and rain wash clean man's negativity to let Earth have a fresh new start.. Reweave the thoughts in the holy mind. Bring the Great Creator's holy purpose forward. It is up to you and me to change this Earth. The elements of nature's power shall make the unholy bow in humbleness before her. Man, do not tamper with the Natural Law, for nature shall overcome and purify herself. May we as the human race begin to live with nature and work with our natural environment. Give prayer and thanksgiving for all the gifts this Sacred Earth and Sacred Sky have given us. Holy Thunder, I hear you crack and roll. Sacred Rain, I thank you for the Water of Life. 13 years ago, when my daughter Selene was six years old, she became fully clairvoyant. One day I decided to try her new gift. I took Selene into the woods, next to a bridge where I had seen a sphere of light in a tree. I knew that a nature spirit resided in this tree and I asked Selene if she could see him. She began to describe him as being three foot tall. His name was Jock. He wore a tall green cap and his pants looked like the bark of a tree. Furthermore he wore a velvet green jacket and carried a velvet green book with ancient pages and a golden lock. As he opened the book, every flower of the field was represented on ancient parchment.
He gave Selene a meditation which she passed on to me. As she took me through this meditation, all the flower fairies of the field came to partake in this sacred moment. The blue-eyed grass fairies put a blue flower into my third eye. From that day on, I could see into the realm of the fairies.
The pollination fairy poured golden pollen into my crown chakra. She wore a dress that was made up of every flower of the field. Her blessing revealed secrets of nature to me.
Fairy Meditation
Begin by taking deep breaths and empty your mind. Don't think about anything. Now go to your heart, and as you search inside your heart, you may see gnarly old tree roots. These tree roots represent bad feelings you may be carrying. Let the fairies pull these tree roots out as you deeply breathe in and out of your heart. Often the fairies are quite silly and will do somersaults as they pull the tree roots from your heart. Once the tree roots have all been cleared, imagine fairies in front of your heart, with a golden pot of honey. They begin to pour the honey into your heart where the roots had been. Feel your heart full of sweetness, like when you were a little child. Feel how sweet your inner heart is. Now go up to your third eye and see a wishing star, like the first star in the night sky. Let that star get brighter and brighter. If you truly, truly believe, you will begin to see into the realm of the fairies through the wishing star in your forehead. At first it might be just flashes of light, on your right or left. Or quick flashing images in your mind's eye. As you slow down and remember these images, you will begin to see into the fairy realm. For the keys to the Kingdom of God are given to the pure of heart.