Heart Offerings by Raylene
Excerpts From Raylene's New Book: On Womb Healing

Fleur de Lys is the emblem of the Royality of France. It represents the Iris flower which is symbolic of the female reproductive organs.

Fleur De Lys

Fleur De Lys, penetrate my soul that I may know ecstacy.
Fleur De Lys, penetrate my ecstacy that I may know the Goddess.
Fleur De Lys, may my ecstacy rise like a splendid flower that blooms and knows itself.
And in the knowing may all shame fall away like a worn-out clothing that I may put upon me a new garment made without shame or blame.
Fleur De Lys, I ask you to be a part of me now and forever.

Excerpt from my book:

The period I spent working with this group of women was such an important time of learning for me, for I, too, was going through my own process of sexual healing. I realized that when a woman's heart is closed, more often than not, her womb is also shut down, sexually. Unhealthy sexual relations register physically in the body as frozenness. The three centers in women where I found this frozenness were the throat, the heart, and the womb. When a woman had been told in a love relationship, "I don't want to hear what you have to say," her throat would be closed. The heart-center would be closed because of being hurt in love or because of not having been loved as a small child. And, when the heart was shut down, often I would see a woman's womb and sexual nature be closed or tight. I also found that a woman being sexually active did not necessarily mean that these centers were open. And, often I found in myself and other women that excess weight gain around the hips was "unspoken padding" that said, "Don't touch me-I am hurt" (or, "I've been abused").

This is putting it simply, and sexual healing can be much more complicated, but these were keys to my seeing what a woman was experiencing in a particular moment.

I began to see that the era of the 1960s and '70s, with its sexual openness, created much sexual wounding that was just beginning to come to the surface in the '80s and '90s. I began to realize that the woman's womb is the vessel and that this open, receptive space receives whatever is emptied into it, and registers it in the body. Therefore, if a man is angry or violent in his nature, he deposits these negative emotions in the womb of his lover. And, when one engages in sex that is void of love, this also becomes the message to the womb. Whatever the thoughts are during the lovemaking, they are registered in the woman's womb; like a tape recorder, the womb records messages into the flesh. These deposits can remain there for years, until the woman gets in touch with herself and begins to release them emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I found in my own process that often I had to feel the emotions that had been suppressed in order to release them fully from my womb. This became the catharsis in my own healing, and, as I got in touch with my own process, the group's healing was catalyzed, and vise versa.

At the apex of this process, I discovered that I had an ovarian tumor on my right ovary. The doctor who removed it told me it looked just like a man's fist! It happened that in too many of my relationships, I had chosen to be with men who carried unresolved anger. I saw that when this anger was directed toward me, I silently stored it in my ovary.

Symbolically speaking, the ovaries are the center of female creativity. I was finished with having children by the time of my ovarian tumor, but I was beginning to become aware of my own creative process and projects. And, to truly be free in my creative process, I saw that I needed to release years of emotions that had suppressed my creativity.

The ovarian tumor was the culmination of years of unresolved hurt and anger. I had accepted male anger too many times, silently staying instead of leaving; there was also my own silent rage at being hurt and not heard. So, to begin healing, I deeply retreated inside myself and slowly began to deal with patterns both psychological and genetic as I recovered. I used prayer and reflection to probe into myself and my past experiences. I found that I needed to understand myself psychologically, so I put myself in touch with the old patterns that needed to be removed. And, once I found one of these patterns, I used various techniques, meditations and prayers to help release what had been lodged in my body. The real healing had begun.


The Magic of Happiness | Excerpts From Raylene's New Book: On Womb Healing | Tantric Circuit | Honoring The Female Buddhas | The Fairie Realm | Interview With Raylene | A WiseWoman's Counsel | Tarot Card of the Week | Raylene's Favorite Links | Contact Me

